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Saturday, January 15, 2011

YO!!!!! HI evey1!!! Long long time never blog ald:) cos my second bro lo , his come spoil ald than use my 1. So after today post , i not sure when i will post again. Hope won be too long :}

Now i m in sec3 :) Quite happy la. cos the class room got air-con 1. Also don need to be with the same class with those people i don like. :] Sec 3 i think will be abit stress ba , every time got hw 1 lo. I think the higher level we r , the harder.
okay suddenly nothing to say le. bye... :) next time will post again.
with loves, 12:45 AM
Friday, October 15, 2010

YO!!!! Really long time long time never post ald.
I think got 1 month ba.
Actually i got few time wan to post 1 , but cos 4get or i have no time.
Maybe i am busy playing :]

This 1 whole week having exam.
Happy that today is the last day of exam , n was so so happy.
Out of sudden don noe wan to say wad. :(
Was quite n happy n also abit stress 4 the exam.
because , cos of this exam , i this whole week , stay up late.
The latest i stay up late is 5am in the morning.
Scary rite , i just sleep 4 1 hour n need to go sch 4 exam ald.
But cos of exam no choice lo.
So today is the last day of exam i was SO SO HAPPY!!!!! :)
Really hope all my subject will pass with flying colours :)
I also hope all my friends will also all pass with flying colours :)
Good luck!! Everyone. :]

Okay will stop here cos don noe still need or wan to say wad.
bye....... :)
with loves, 5:17 AM
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

YO!!!!!!!! Really long long time never post le.
cos my brother de com spoil , than keep snatch the com from me!!!!!!

Okay will start from yesterday de exam.
Yesterday i have paper1 english n chinese.
English okay okay , but scared fail.
Chinese walao the compo so hard lo!!!!!!!
NA de chinese compo so easy , but express 1 so hard!!!!!!!!

After exam went to kovan with jing ying they all celebrate shu xian birthday.
Than saw cassandra , mei yee they all.
Than vanessa n i went to cassandra de house.
Mei yee they all suddenly say wan do cake 4 shu xian.
We do from afternoon to night.
But we fail :(

Okay let say about today.
Today after sch went to library.
CF , MH , SX n james study.
Vanessa n i play hp de games :)
Than we went home :)
CF de house key lost today , so must wait 4 his bro to come home.

Okay will stop here.
bye.......... :]
with loves, 2:52 AM
Friday, September 17, 2010

YO!!!!! Back posting again!!!!! :)

Today nothing much in sch.
After sch wanted to go dance , but dance suddenly cancel!!
Happy , cos today quite tired staying in sch.
After sch went kovan with vanessa n minghui.
Also nothing much there.
After tat went AMK Hub with vanessa.
Minghui don wan to go.
Than we walk walk , buy ear ring.
Sit down on the stairs.
Suddenly , some1 stand infront of me!
It is my mother :)
Scared me i thought who.
Than after tat i am back home , n i m here to post!!! :)

Will stop here!!!
bye........ :]
with loves, 2:39 AM
Monday, September 13, 2010

YO!!!!!!!! Back posting!!!!!! :)
Really very very long time never post le.

Today not feeling good , keep feel like vomiting.
Stomach pain alot , don noe y.

So will not rite too many words.
Will stop here now.
bye....... :)
with loves, 1:46 AM
Saturday, September 4, 2010

YO!!!!!!! Back posting!!!!!!! :)
Few days never post le.

Step holiday Have arrived , but sad that there is only 1 week of holiday!!!!!! :(
Yesterday get back report book , lucky that i all pass :)
But sad that all my subject has not improve but drop :(
SO ANGRY!!!!!!!
Aiya don wan talk about it le la.
The more i say about it , the more i will feel angry!!!!!!

Okay will stop here......
bye......... :]
with loves, 1:28 AM
Monday, August 30, 2010

YO!!!!!!! Back posting!!!!! :)

Today have home econ practical test!!!!! :)
Actually it was so fun lo.
I group up with vanessa :)
N we have made the most delicious pizza in the world!!!!!!!!! :)

Tmr teachers day , but i never prepare present.
Sry teachers :(
But i m here to wish all the teachers a happy teacher day!!!!!!!!! :)

Okay will stop here.
Cos today so bored :(
bye........... :]
with loves, 2:39 AM