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Monday, May 31, 2010

YO!!!!!!!! Back posting again!!!!!!!
Today lazy to post cos very tired!!!!!!!!!!
I sleep 4 about 20hours ba , from yesterday 7 plus sleep until today 2 plus!!!!!
But in the middle of the night i got wake up , don noe y :}

Today when i wake up cannot find my HP , but i remember i put in on my bed than i sleep 1 , cos i sms some1!!!!!!!!
Scare me , but lucky i found it , should say my little brother found it 1!!!!!!!! :]

Aiya today nothing to rite leh!!!!!
Cos also nothing much happen lo today!!!!!!

At home so bored.......

Shall stop here!!!!!!

Don noe y keep thinking of tat stupid person today in the morning but not now ho!!!
with loves, 3:41 AM
Saturday, May 29, 2010

YO!!!!! Back posting again!!!!!!!!
Got any1 miss me?????? jk only la :}
Yesterday never post cos yesterday have dance camp , so i will be staying over night in sch!!!!!!
12plus in the afternoon come back home very tired , later wan to sleep!!!!!!

Vanessa yesterday go to genting!!!!!!
Actually today i going 1 , than i will meet her there n we can play together 1 , but cos got dance today , so my mother ask me to go dance than change to end of the year than go genting!!!!! Sad cos it will be a long long time to end of year!!!!! :[

Teacher say i need to improve , n i noe tat this few week i "tui bu" (i think it is spell like tat ba) alot so i will try my best n improve!!!!!!!!! :]
BYE... Today i will stop here , cos i now lazy to type ald :}
with loves, 11:24 PM
Friday, May 28, 2010

YO!!!!!! Back posting again!!!!!!
Today morning went to dance early in the morning!!!!!!
Public holiday still wan me to go dance!!!!!!
So dam tired lo!!!!!!!!!!!!

But nvm cos today is my happiest day cos today is so special!!!!!!!!!
Today is my birthday!!!!!!! :]
Is me TAY JING HWEE BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Happy birthday to me........

Btw i wan to thks those people who send me happy birthday in facebook n send by sms!!!!! :}
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
4 girls i love u cos u send me happy birthday!!!!! :)
4 boys i will just say thank u!!!!!
But 4 my brother i will say I LOVE U!!!!!!
Cos u send me happy birthday through facebook!!!!! :]
with loves, 5:13 AM
Thursday, May 27, 2010

YO!!!!!!! Back posting again!!!!!!
Thks vanessa , minghui n joyce 4 ur birthday present!!!!!!
I LOVE U 3!!!!!!

Yesterday busy no time to post , cos i went republic poly to see performance until 11 plus in the night!!!
So i ask my mother come fetch me back home!!!!!
Today went to sch to take back my report book!!!!!!!
Wad the my result was so bad , sad.....
But lucky still can get top1o in class , i get 7 for class position 19 for level position!!!!!! Very poor i noe :[

Tmr is my birthday!!!!!!!!! But sad tat i got dance :(
So i think this year de birthday i cannot celebrate ald :(
with loves, 1:40 AM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

YO!!! back posting again!!!!!
Today lazy to rite la , just came back from dance , so very tired.
Today got alot unhappy things , so also don feel like writing.
Cos get scolded by teacher!!!!!!!

3 more days to my birthday!!!!!!!!!!
with loves, 3:55 AM
Monday, May 24, 2010

YO!!!!!! Back posting again!!!
Today went to sch , they say things about smoking , than after tat mr teo suddenly wan to check who don have name tag than i don have vanessa also don have than we got caught , but nvm la.
Went to AVA room don noe listen to wad never listen clearly , than got 1 teacher abit pervert. Don noe how to explain.
After tat went to canteen cos recess time. After recess time got the money wise thing , very boring de lo!!!
So me vanessa , ming hui n joyce went to the toilet together than we take picture lo!
Below is the picture we take! :] I noe i don look very nice its okay i understand.

Went back class!
Lazy to rite , cos also not important de. N it is common we just play play only lo!

After sch go bus stop with joyce while waiting vanessa n ming hui go buy ice-cream.
When we reach the bus stop saw some1 which is a bastard. Stupid go follow him home , i go with joyce n vanessa cos ming hui wan to go home so she never go.
He make us walk very long than suddenly ran away. We find find find but cannot find until him so we go buy water 1st. After tat we go back to the place still cannot find him , than joyce keep 1 to go home. So i ask vanessa wan to go home anot she say the weather too hot don feel like staying so we went home lo!!!!!!

Still got 4 more days to my birthday!!!!!!!! =}
with loves, 1:42 AM
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Yo! back posting today!!!
Today nothing much has happen , morning went to 1 place (don noe how to describe the place) with my parents , little brother n my auntie n her daughter. Went there eat n see see than went home. There not fun 1 still so warm lo!
Today actually i got tuition at 4.30pm but i think because i too tired so i sleep 4 a while. but how i noe when i wake up it is ald 4.40pm so i decided to sms the teacher say i need to go to sch .
I sms the teacher cos i scare he will scold me , but also not my fault lo!
Cos no1 call me to wake up!!!!!!
Nvm don talk about this again!

Still got 5 more days to my birthday =} , u all prepare my present ald?????

Okay today i will stop here , tmr i see i got time to post anot!!!!! :]
with loves, 4:28 AM
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh ya!!! Next Fri , 6 more days to my birthday!!!!!!! :]
I must collect lots of present!!!!!!!!
Hope i don get back result so fast , cos my result is dam poor poor until cannot poor :[
But nvm cos my birthday is coming , remember to give me present ho!!!!!
with loves, 3:27 AM

YO!!! I m back to post again :]
Yesterday during sch time we play with the rocket :] the rocket is me n vanessa do 1.
beside is the photo of our rocket!

Yesterday is my mother birthday. Thursday we went to New york n eat. We eat lots of thing , i try the giant burgar but we eat 1 is beef. We still got eat lots of other food , but i now lazy to rite :)
Yesterday after my dance i went back home to cut the cake with my mother :) My bro buy strawberry flavour , really very nice , but i never take a picture of it :[
Mummy Happy Birthday!!!!
Sing u a birthday song mummy!!!!!!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Youuuu
Happy birthday to Youuuuuu!
with loves, 2:44 AM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yo! people , i noe i very long never post ald. Got miss me??????
I this few days never post cos last week exam not allow to use com. :[
Yesterday n today teacher give us back our paper! When i see the paper n see my result , i was upset cos my result is so bad! :(
My mother wan me to get top 10 if not next time 1 month only can go out 1 time! cos during exam period i keep going out every week n my mother was unhappy with me.
When today i see my result i noe tat i can't get top 10 ald :[
But still hope i never get so bad 4 my overrall result 4 all the subject!

Happy thing , my birthday coming still got 9 more days. U all prepare my present ald????? :]
with loves, 2:29 AM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yo! Today is joyce birthday!!!!!!!
joyce happy birthday!!!!!!
"happy birthday to u , happy birthday to u , happy birthday to joyce...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U!!!!!!!!!!!
laogpng happy birthday!!!!
Do u like th helium ballon tat me n vanessa give u hope u like it.
Today nothing special happen as usual.
Lazy to type ald.
Btw joyce remember ho my birthday i wan mickey mouse 1 ho!!!!!!
Btw every1 tat see my blog my birthday is on 28 may!!!!!!!
Must give lots n lots of present ho!!! :]
with loves, 5:08 AM

with loves, 5:08 AM

Yo! yesterday lazy to post.
Yesterday went to kovan to buy joyce(laogong) birthday present.
after tat we went to joyce house , to do my DNT thing.
watch tv , do history hw.
Blah....Blah.... (lazy to type out everything)
After tat joyce say wan to order pizza , so i call them to order the pizza.
(i don really understand wad they say :p)
(the above picture is the pizza chicken n garlic bread tat we order :])
After eating than continue do finish history hw. do finish ald me n vanessa go home , cos joyce scare some1 come home.
Lucky we come out early by 1 min , her sis really come back.
4 yesterday thing i will rite until her.
with loves, 4:59 AM
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yo! Today nothing much to rite. cos today got tuition so cannot go out with vanessa n joyce (n some other people)
Today so bored n angry. Angry is tat y during exam period i sick >.<
Yesterday got a bit fever.
But lucky now feel better , but still got cough n flu.
Sad.... but hope during exam i won be sick.
Bored is tat i sick still need to go tuition , i almost sleep during tuition.
To mh: mh i don noe if we still can patch back anot , cos now i feel tat if we patch back , we will never be the same as last time. Y just because we sometimes ditch u than u follow weilin they all so easily? Do u noe to me , u like ald plan tat u going to betray us ald , tat makes me feel tat u r "suang mian ren" 1 side like our friend , behind us so gd to weilin they all like they r more important than us. This makes me feel so sad when i noe u do this to us.

Btw to make me feel happy , i will think of joyce cos 2 more day (tuesday) is her birthday!!!!!!!!!!
Joyce Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
On tat day i will say it again to u.
Happy Birthday Lao gong!!!!!!!
with loves, 7:20 AM