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Friday, April 30, 2010

o ya 4got to rite today also don noe wad happen to minghui she suddenly follow weilin they all than PS me,vanessa n joyce.
Minghui wad happen how can u betray us n follow JY they all???????
with loves, 1:48 AM

Today as usual went to sch early in the morning.
After recess cher say got test , we were like where got where got?????? But the test is open book test so it is okay!
Blah.....Blah.... (lazy to rite)
After sch went to see some1 fight , i thought it will e interesting but ok la not so nice.
After tat we go home cos nothing to do!
Bye.............. >.<
with loves, 1:00 AM
Thursday, April 29, 2010

YO!! i m back again actually i wan to talk about tues n wed de things 1 but nothing to rite.
Than now i will rite about today 1.Today wan take money from jun wei 1 cos yesterday we got a bet than he lose than say today wan give but in the end he also never give lo! During lit period something happen. Blah....Blah.... i make spoil zenon de don noe wad tat call , but he also make spoil my1 lo! Than he angry. (he angry cos he crazy) Today after sch went to kovan with vanessa n joyce. We wan to top up ezlink card , but don wan so early go home so we go walk walk see see. We actually wan to rent CD 1 cos cheaper but the show we wan to watch must be above 18years old >_< Sad...........
Than we go home.
with loves, 3:01 AM

Aiyo i noe i very long never post ald , got miss me anot???
All the picture above i think mon me,vanessa,joyce we go compass together to wait 4 vanessa sis.
Cos no time post so now than post lo!!!!! Sry!!!!
u see the mickey mouse very cute ho , ya i think it is very.... de cute lo!!!!Ha...Ha...
Btw be4 we go compass we go hougang mall , there nothing to do 1 wear sch uni-form cannot go arcade but there de arcade also not so fun de >.<
Okay tat is 4 mon!!!!!!!!!!
with loves, 2:50 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hi! Long time never post ald cos busy. >.< just now just uploaded some picture:) Today went out with vanessa n joyce we go plaza sing.We went there to watch movie , we watch 5.30pm de movie. than after movie we went to arcard n play........
after we play finish we wanted to go home cos the time is about 8 plus i think is 8.30pm. When we walk to the lift there i saw miss lee teach me Eng n Math last year de teacher. at 1st i don noe is her than i see her y so familier than i think of miss lee than we talk......
After tat we take picture with her. After we take picture we went home cos i wan to see the show ju xiang ai zhe ni >.< (the show name i any how spell de)
with loves, 7:11 AM

All this pictures is we buy ice-cream than go Ming hui house n eat. Do u noe something it is actually jelly , n it is quite nice to eat.>_<
with loves, 7:09 AM

This pictures is tuesday we 4 take together 1. We take in kovan de toilet.
with loves, 6:58 AM
Monday, April 19, 2010

Yo!Few days never post ald! got miss me anot????
Today is benadict birthday , so we give him present!!!!
Than after sch we go to the playground opp our sch to play swing.
Than we go Mac n eat lunch! Than we meet benadict they all than we go play bowling until 5 plus , than we go home.
Got 1 thing so sad cos of dance , i have to spend my birthday dancing >_<
My teacher say have dance camp 28,29,30 may got dance camp. Than just nice my birthday is 28may , that means i must spend my birthday dancing >.< n i cannot spend my birthday with my friands n family. SO SAD!!!!!!
nothing to say ald bye!!!!!!
with loves, 5:43 AM
Thursday, April 15, 2010

with loves, 3:13 AM

okay nvm ald i delete the extra picture ald >.<
with loves, 3:11 AM

Sry i press rong than got 1 picture come out twice.
Joyce cos i don have nice picture tat i take with u so i never put ur picture sry!
with loves, 3:09 AM

with loves, 3:09 AM

All this picture i only put 4 fun.>_< Pls do not laugh!
with loves, 3:02 AM

Hi! i back to post again. Today so happy history test cancel!
And joyce has high fever and doctor give her 3 days of MC but she still come to sch cos she say at home very boring. But after recess joyce tell mr tan tat she sick cos she wan back her thermometer to check wad is her degree. But mr tan noe tat she 39. something degree than wan send her home but she don wan , but al last she still need to go home. cos her father also ask her to go home.
After sch we 3 me, vanessa, ming hui go joyce house together to visit her n play. we play until 5 plus than go home.
That all 4 today bye! >.<
with loves, 2:42 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

YO! i here to post again. Today nothing much la. Today morning i late 4 sch , i reach sch at 7.35am. cos today i wake up 6.54am so i will late. Aiyo this is my 1st time late 4 sch lucky only got detention but if i late 4 l min later i may not only have dentention only >.<. LUCKY!
Today got weekly test , than i 4got to learn but i think even though i remember i also will not study 1 la! but i hope i will pass this test even though wad.
So sad joyce sick than never come to sch today!
Okay today i will rite until here>_<
with loves, 6:42 AM
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HI i m back to post again! Today only got 1 word can decribe my feeling. the word is 'TIRED'. today also don noe y so tired. today got math but okay okay cos we never study , mr tan settle thoso who copy work 1 , but lucky cos i also got copy but never get caught. history so boring really almost sleep, lucky i eat sweets if not i ald sleep like a pig.
than recess after tat EL don noe y today EL very fun but a while only than need to go photo taking than we do funny pose but not really funny la just like normal pose :]
than music no teacher come cos her class also got photo taking than she form teacher ma! than PE is the most tire 1 need to run 2.4. lucky i pass but sad tat i never get A 4 it i only get C, never reach my target SO SAD >_<. but okay la pass can ald la!
than MT not really fun also the same word OKAY OKAY!
After sch got chinese dance dance until 6.46pm.SO TIRED! than now i come back n post the things i do today on the blog! >.<
with loves, 4:47 AM
Monday, April 12, 2010

YO! i m back again. Today after sch i went home n bath than i meet vanessa n joyce at serangoon. actually we wan to pierce there 1 but at last we decided to go bugis n pierce. We reach bugis than we wait vanessa sis at the mrt station there , we waited 4 quite some time , but not very long la!
The 1st thing we do is go n pierce . vanessa pierce 1st than i pierce cos i scared >_<
After i pierce a bit pain but after a while okay ald! After tat we follow vanessa sis to take her pay , we spent sometime there. (i skip some parts)
We 3 go arcade than vanessa sis went home taking cab. We play play play than go Mos burger n eat. Say until this i so angry the cashier there got attitude pro 1 also MATH FAIL.
we but the burger 1 4 $3.35 , than 2 4 $6.70 right? Vanessa give her $9 cos we 2 seprate give wad! the cashier return her 3o cent only. so we go ask him he say vanessa only give him $7 so he return her 30 cent lo. Than he say wait i check , than he let us see the reciept the time in the reciept is 8.36pm than the time is just nice 8.37pm i think he just print out 1 cos we buy tat time is about 5 min ago. than he say can complain to the maneger so we tell the maneger lo than he return us the money , but he like not happy but i hack care him.
Sry if got spelling mistake! >.<

with loves, 7:09 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2010

YO! I back to post again. Today actually nothing much happen. today actually i wan to go out with my friend 1 , but cos 4 plus i got tuition so i cannot go out with them. SAD!
Today i feel angry n sad also don noe y. but i noe i don really like today >.<
SIAN... tmr need to go to sch morning still need to wake up early 4 LA .
I still thinking if i should quit to be a prefect. but the pro is i scared my mother will be disappointed.
Those who read my blog pls tell me wad should i do?
with loves, 5:08 AM
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Now i saying wad happen today. today when i on9 than got 1 person 1 to add me than i add him lo. after tat he chat with me than he say r u a boy? i say NO! i ask who r u? than he still say wad his age is 21 than just come back from work....
still ask me next time can chat with me than i ask do i noe u? than he say i don noe him. i say i won chat with people i don noe. he say nvm la can be frienf wad if i don mind can exchange phone no. i scold him CRAZY! After tat i delete him in my contact than after a while he send me wad u still there babe i see ald almost vomit. than i block him lo!
with loves, 2:32 AM

YO! few days never post ald got miss me? just kidding>.< cos this few days busy than very late come back from sch , so i lazy to on com.
Yesterday i sick than still need to go dance SAD , but i went to dance n i never dance cos i sick ma! than when dance teacher come she saw i sick than ask me go home rest so i call myfather come n fetch me lo!>_<
Lucky i today feel better le but still got noseblock n cough. don noe how i sick de. Haiz...
with loves, 1:32 AM
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

sry ar i think i very long never post ald. i also don noe when is my last post. (lazy to check)
So happy change blogskins , n is my favorite micky mouse>< so cute.
Today so bored got 2 peroid of History almost sleep in class. Sad after sch still got chinese dance so tired , feel like dying.
N some1 go out or wad never tell me make me now heartbroken :(
with loves, 5:57 AM